Useful links
Below are some organisations and websites that you might find useful.
- ATSAC (treatment of sexual addiction)
- Action on Elder Abuse
- Age UK
- Anxiety UK
- Beating Eating Disorders (BEAT)
- Brook - under 25's sexual worries
- Child Death Helpline
- Childline
- Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
- Counselling Directory
- Cruse Bereavement Care
- Disabled Living Foundation
- East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services
- Families Need Fathers
- Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
- Gamblers Anonymous
- Gamcare (gambling)
- Gingerbread (single parents, equal families)
- Heads Together (counselling service for young people aged 14-24)
- Jigsaw South East child bereavement
- Mankind (Support for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence)
- Mary Frances Trust (runs self help group for hoarders)
- Men’s Advice Line (Advise & support for men experiencing domestic violence & abuse)
- Mind
- Missing People
- National Association for Children of Alcoholics
- National Autistic Society
- National Family Mediation
- PAPYRUS prevention of young suicide
- Refuge Domestic Violence Helpline
- Relate National Organisation
- Respect (men & women working together to end domestic violence)
- Samaritans
- Scope (Disability)
- Shelter
- Step Change Debt Charity
- Sue Ryder - palliative care & bereavement
- SurvivorsUK male rape & sexual abuse
- Switchboard LGBT+
- The Good Grief Trust - beareavement support
- The Salvation Army - Family Tracing
- Victim Supportline
- Winston’s Wish – The Charity for Bereaved Children
- Women's Aid
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of these links, we cannot be held responsible for the content on other websites. Should you encounter any issues, or if a link is no longer working then please do let us know ny emailing us at [email protected].