What are power imbalances in friendships?
Power imbalances in friendships happen when one friend has more control or influence over the other. A power imbalance can manifest in different ways, such as:
Cultural or social backgrounds
Differences in cultural or social backgrounds can lead to misunderstandings or one friend feeling marginalised or less empowered.
Personality traits
Dominating or overly assertive behaviour from one friend can over shadow the other’s opinions and needs, leading to an imbalance.
Relationship history
If one friend has previously played a more supportive role, then they may continue to exert more influence or control in the relationship.
Professional relationship
If friends also have a work relationship where one is in a superior position, it may carry over into their personal relationship.
Access to social connections
One friend having more extensive social connections of being seen as being more popular might lead to an imbalance in social situations.
Financial differences
One of you may have access to greater financial resources which may impact on your friendship in many ways