What our clients say
Nothing brings what we do more to life than our clients and we are very grateful that some of them have been happy to share their story.
Relationship Counselling
“I was struggling with relationships in my life, mainly that of my marriage. This was partly because I was struggling with my identity, having recently become a mum, as well as going from being financially independent all my life to having to rely on my partner. I’d exhausted all the advice from my family and friends before seeking professional guidance. It felt like the communication and conversation had disappeared from my marriage and everything had turned into ‘baby, baby, baby’. We’d both lost ourselves…”
Read more about how Jane and Peter benefited from Relate Mid and East Surrey.

Young Persons Counselling
“I went to Relate when I was about 13, feeling especially sad and invisible, like no one cared. I decided to try counselling as I felt that no one around me listened to me and I am so glad I did. I went and spoke to a counsellor at Epsom Relate weekly for about 6 months, until I felt like she had helped me to make sense of my sad feelings and helped me to realise I needed to stop being so hard on myself and blaming myself for how others were making me feel…”
Read more about how Amelia benefited from Relate Mid and East Surrey.

Sex Therapy
“I was frustrated that I didn’t have a sexual relationship with my husband. I felt I was missing out on an important part of a relationship and like a part of me had shut down. This made my partner feel like a massive let down and in turn made me feel bad about expecting more or broaching the subject. I wanted a baby and so was even more concerned about our lack of a sex life and was becoming frequently depressed and overwhelmed emotionally. This would build up and then I would get really emotional and blurt it all out, which would freak my partner out and he would shut down completely. In all other respects our relationship was really strong and we wanted to support each other…”
Read more about how Lily benefited from Relate Mid and East Surrey.

Family Counselling
“As a family we had a dysfunctional relationship with each other that had resulted from a personal trauma which affected each of us in different ways, coming shortly after a major family bereavement. As we each had our anger and individual feelings resulting from this, we could not come together as a family without grievances arising, causing much sadness and stress. Realising that we ourselves could not heal the situation, we decided as a family to have counselling and as one of us had had previous individual counselling with Relate, it was the basis for us to go forward with Relate…”
Read more about how the Sanders Family benefited from Relate Mid and East Surrey.