News from Relate Mid and East Surrey

Men’s Heads & Hearts
Almost a quarter of men in the South East think that men should pay the bill on a date New Men’s Heads and Hearts report from Relate and eharmony unpicks complexities of dating and relationships in the 21st century Almost a quarter of men (24%) in the South East still think the man should pay

Relationships Week 2021 – Love Yourself & ‘The Way We Are Now’ report with EHarmony
Just under a quarter of people in the South East report a decrease in self-esteem compared with pre-pandemic levels Relate Mid-Surrey encourages people to work on loving themselves this Relationships Week (5-11 July) Just under a quarter (24%) of people living in the South East say their self-esteem has decreasedi compared with pre-pandemic levels. In

Let’s Talk About the Joy of Later Life Sex – Relate & Rankin
Only 18% of those in the South East think society is ok talking about sex in later life Rankin and Relate launch campaign to break age-old taboo This spring, relationships charity, Relate, has teamed up with renowned British photographer, Rankin, to shine the spotlight on the unseen – sex and intimacy in our later

Managing Anxiety
As the restrictions we have been living with for some time are beginning to ease, it seems a good idea to quickly refresh tips on managing anxiety…. Anxiety is normal, especially at times of change and uncertainty or when we feel under threat. The pandemic has provided us with a steady stream of possible

ADHD & Relationships
We hear a lot about ADHD in children but what challenges do adults with ADHD face, particularly in maintaining relationships? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can present as bursts of hyperactivity, loss of concentration or disorganisation. The person with ADHD may have lots of ideas and plans but unable to follow them through. They may be

As the news breaks today we send condolences to the Royal Family as they grieve and to the wider nation. We are also aware of the potential of this news to resurface grief in all of us, especially after such a challenging year. We acknowledge then also the pain felt from loss of loved ones

Release your creative side
We are creative beings so it is not surprising that during these challenging times many people are exploring their creative talents to manage their mood and stress levels. Why have our skills stayed latent for so long? Time is often a reason so lockdown and social restrictions may mean we now have pockets of time

Learning from change
Change Counsellors are always curious about changes. When clients are experiencing difficulties it is understandable that those issues dominate their thinking. A counsellor might ask about times when those issues were not present or times that they do not occur. For example, if a client states they argue about everything we might explore what sort

Why we might prefer our dog to our partner!
Self-care and animals We are known as a nation of animal lovers and although not everyone may fall into that category there are certainly plenty of pet owners. Unsurprisingly then that when we asked our staff a picture that summarises how they relax and manage self-care, the majority were of pets followed by some wildlife
Relationship Counselling Testimonial
“Our counsellor was very understanding to our needs and helped us overcome a very large barrier in our relationship. We needed that third person to reinstate the communication between us”